
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The Woman In Black

          I was very excited to see this. Its the second longest running non-musical show in the West End, having been performed in a West End theatre since 1989, and has seen a resurgence in bookings thanks to the Danial Radciffe 2012 film. I went to see this with two of my friends and we all loved this show. A good scare, but some of the scares actually make you laugh afterwards.

          The theatre is on the smaller side, but that makes for a much better experience. Be prepared for a wordy play, with not much action, not a lot of scenery and to be honest a script that really is a bit slow. Why after all theses do I still think the show is good? To be honest I don't know, but it IS good. Admittedly you need to go with the understanding its a serious play, though that should be obvious. Its not scary in the since of say a gory film, if you've seen the film you'll understand that, but its more suspenseful. Suspense is something I'm not the best fan off. Ill go hide behind the chair as soon as I can, but I really was strangely looking forward to seeing this. Not the best play I've seen, but its well worth seeing it simply because its the second longest running West End show.

          To be honest I don't want to say to much as I don't want to spoil the show for anyone who decides to see it and you should. All I will day is a lot of the scaring is done with lighting as a lot of the stage is either darkened or totally in the dark. the woman in the title of the show, is only one aspect of the show that causes the scares. One has to concentrate slightly, well I did, to follow the story and the plot so the scares make for a good break in that. I also think its good to go with a group of people as your emotions can bounce of one another and you will most defiantly want to talk about it afterwards.

          The acting is good, with only two actors, though they are constrained by the 1987 script. The scripts is based on the 1983 book which was written by Susan Hill, which to an extent dictated the path the script took. The woman unfortunately is unaccredited so as to add to the story of her being a ghost/apparition.

          Like I said before its a play that should be seen, but go with the understanding its not exactly a nights light entertainment. Tickets and Info

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